Plans for 2025 with Money Pro
By Yaro on Friday, Dec 27, 2024
The year 2024 is coming to an end. Let’s take stock and make plans for 2025. Open Money Pro, and we’ll tell you how to do it.

Budget with a credit card
By Yaro on Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024
How do you budget with a credit card? Is it different from a debit card budget? Does it have any advantages? Let’s find out!

New features!
By Yaro on Friday, Oct 11, 2024
Two new features have arrived! We read the reviews and added what you asked for. The Windows app now has more printing options, and all platforms now have a new algorithm for categorizing online banking transactions. Open the post for details.

Why Money Pro?
By Andy on Thursday, Aug 1, 2024
Why choose the Money Pro app for your budget? Let us tell you a bit about the app.

By Yaro on Monday, Jul 15, 2024
We have made a small gift for our iOS and Android users!

Budget Miracle
By Yaro on Tuesday, May 28, 2024
When you read financial blogs, you feel like there are people who know how to help you live better without you doing anything. They look ready to give you a friendly hand and guide you to a better place. It seems that a budget miracle is waiting for you on the other side of the yellow-brick road.

Advanced budgeting
By Yaro on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024
Have you been looking for a way to enhance your budgeting skills? Money Pro can do more than you may have thought. Here, we will share some tips for advanced budgeting strategies to help you get better control over your finances.

Year in review with Money Pro
By Yaro on Monday, Dec 25, 2023
How to summarize the results of the year? Money Pro has a few simple and convenient tools for it! Let us tell you about them.

New feature!
By Yaro on Monday, Dec 11, 2023
We hear your requests and, when possible, add them to the app. Of course, we would like to add more. But app support is a complex process that includes dozens of invisible tasks, and the largest chunk of work goes there. We have recently added a new feature! Now, transactions with attachments have a paperclip icon📎 next to them, which means you can easily find them in the app. If you suddenly find yourself looking for a receipt or want to make sure that all transactions in a certain category have attachments, you can do it quickly and easily. This feature is already available on all supported platforms, enjoy!

Sign in with Apple or Google
By Yaro on Thursday, Oct 19, 2023
We keep evolving to provide you with a unique experience using our app. We’re thrilled to announce our latest addition - Sign in with Apple or Google. All Apple, Windows, and Android devices have three sign-in options now. You can sign in with Apple, Google, and email.

Financial Wellness: Achieving Balance and Peace of Mind
By Yaro on Thursday, Sep 7, 2023
Financial wellness is about more than just having a healthy bank account. It’s a holistic approach to managing your finances that goes beyond dollars and cents. True financial wellness involves understanding your financial goals, making informed decisions, and finding a sense of peace and security in your financial life. In this article, we’ll explore what financial wellness means and how you can achieve it.

Money Pro features you may not have known about
By Yaro on Thursday, May 25, 2023
How long have you been using Money Pro? Perhaps you know all the features of the app. Let’s see. We have prepared an overview of some features that might have eluded you, even if you have years of experience using the app.

How I managed to save for a trip
By Yaro on Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023
I want to tell you how I saved for my trip last year. I saw that I needed extra money but didn’t want to save by spending less on what I wanted. Struggling through 50 weeks only to enjoy two weeks doesn’t seem quite reasonable. Thanks to Money Pro, I know all my spending categories, and I can say I am comfortable with them. They have been thoroughly analyzed and adjusted😌 I decided to look down on my income categories instead, and I saw only one blue circle there. There need to be more income categories, I thought🤔 And the one that I already had could also be improved. So, here’s what I did.

Wrap up 2022 with Money Pro reports
By Yaro on Thursday, Dec 29, 2022
The year 2022 is coming to an end. It is time to analyze your expenses and plan for 2023! We are going to tell you about several useful features that will help you get the most out of your reports.

Money Pro on AppGallery!
By Yaro on Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022
Do you prefer AppGallery? We are glad to announce that we have released Money Pro for AppGallery. The app is just the same with all the features you are used to but now you can also use your Huawei phone to help you keep your budget under control. Now you can also share your profile to your family member or friend with such a device. They will not need to pay for it!
If you have a Huawei phone or any other device supporting AppGallery, you can download the app here. Leave the first review! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

How I talk about money with my husband
By Mary on Monday, Oct 10, 2022
I believe openly discussing your budget with a partner can help save not only money but the relationship as well. Being one of the most important topics it may seem complicated at the start. When two people move in together or are going to get married, this question should be brought to a discussion at the beginning, without waiting for things to go with the flow.

What we are up to now
By Yaro on Friday, Sep 9, 2022
Hi there! Let me share some insights regarding what is next. We are actively working on the next major release of Money Pro. It will get a major UI redesign. Apple devices will get the next-gen UI first. That’s what we are working on right now. We are sure you are going to like it!

Online Banking for US & Canada
By Yaro on Thursday, Jun 23, 2022
Love Money Pro but not finding your bank on the list? We have added a new provider with a wide variety of US and Canada banks.

Money Pro is on YouTube!
By Yaro on Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Money Pro is translated into 24 languages. Quite an impressive amount! Do we star in any YouTube videos in foreign languages? We have made a survey to find that out. With the help of our translators, we have translated the video titles for you.

Should you buy or rent?
By Alex on Friday, Nov 12, 2021
One of the most fundamental questions in every person’s life that reflects on their financial wellbeing is whether they should buy or rent real estate. Let’s look into a few things that you might want to consider when making your own decision.

How to protect your money against inflation
By Alex on Wednesday, Oct 20, 2021
Inflation can lower your standard of living and destroy your savings. It’s an increase in the price of goods and services that happens gradually over time. How can you protect your money against inflation?

Track your financial goals with Money Pro
By Andy on Thursday, Dec 31, 2020
“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
GOALS is the new feature we are unveiling today. It helps to keep the focus on what matters for you the most.

Important Financial Goals Millennials Need to Consider
By Nora Thomson on Wednesday, Jun 24, 2020
Our financial habits today can have some serious repercussions down the line, but we all know that achieving financial wellness is easier said than done. In fact, CNBC reports that 62% of millennials today live paycheck to paycheck, with many feeling financially unstable.
So how do you get around to fixing this issue? The first step in becoming more financially stable is by setting the right goals. These will give you something to strive for and will act as a guide in your journey towards financial wellness.

Money Pro - budget for a freelancer
By Julia on Monday, May 25, 2020
This article is for those who receive income irregularly: freelancers, contractors, bloggers and so on. When income comes in a certain amount once or twice a month everything is more or less clear with the budget. But when your earnings can reach three average monthly wages in one month and almost fall to zero in another you need to somehow learn how to distribute your income efficiently. In this case, a financial assistant, such as Money Pro, is simply irreplaceable.

Money Pro - secrets of budgeting or how to start budgeting effectively
By Julia on Wednesday, Apr 22, 2020
Before you begin to manage your finances, let’s define basic concepts such as a budget and planned expenses. It is them that you will deal with in Money Pro.
Money Pro for beginners or how to start expense tracking for the first time in your life
By Julia on Saturday, Apr 4, 2020
In the world of digital technologies it’s absolutely necessary to know about your own money: how much, on which account, on what purposes. Because there are way too many cards, accounts, loans, subscriptions, online purchases and so on. The money is split between ewallets and credit cards. Cash is no longer popular, which means we give away money even easier than in previous years, because we don’t sense the digital money as real. It’s all due to how our brain is organized - the digits we see on the screen remain just the digits for it. Therefore our debt is growing non-stop. A digital expense tracker is the solution that allows to live in the modern world rationally.
Short video tutorials now on Instagram!
By Julia on Monday, Dec 30, 2019
We are glad to inform all the users that we have launched our Instagram account this year and placed there short video tutorials on Money Pro. If you have any questions on how to set currency or create money transfer transactions or anything else, welcome to @moneypro account! But not only that! We have tried to find some inspiring and interesting facts about money so that you could learn to control your finances with joy and ease.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)
By Julia on Friday, May 24, 2019
Financial data is very important information and requires special protection. From now on Money Pro offers an extra tool to increase security of your data. The latest updates for each of the platforms (iOS, Mac, Windows, Android) allow to set up two-factor authentication (2FA).

Sync your data with Money Pro for Windows 10!
By Andy on Monday, Dec 31, 2018
One last thing for 2018. We promised to release Money Pro sync service for Windows before the end of the year.

Happy Holidays!
By Julia on Tuesday, Dec 25, 2018
Christmas and New Year is a great time for sharing smiles and surprising each other with unexpected and precious presents.

New Sync Service for uniting iOS, Android & Mac
By Julia on Saturday, Dec 22, 2018
Introducing you our new service - Money Pro Sync!

Money Pro 2.0 with new sync is in review
By Andy on Saturday, Dec 15, 2018
Quick heads up. A major update in Money Pro 2.0 is the new sync service. Android app is ready. iOS and Mac apps are currently waiting for getting approved by Apple.

New sync service to unite iOS, Mac, Android and Windows 10 devices is coming soon
By Andy on Thursday, Oct 18, 2018
The new Money Pro sync service will allow to sync data between iOS, Mac, Android and Windows 10 platforms. This service will replace Family Cloud Sync and will allow you to share data with your friends and family.